Sunday, June 21, 2015

Vietnam Trip And Why You Should Visit It

By Unknown | At 3:33 AM | Label : , , , | 0 Comments
Some people are bored with the idea of overrated or over-hyped countries. They want new destinations and countries to go. When it comes a decision to a holiday trip, the more unique country they choose, the more excited they are. But what kind of country that can challenge themselves and become the best option? What makes them feel totally excited and want to go to that country?

Well, if you love the idea of unique and different options, Vietnam can be your best destination to go. Why you should visit it? Because Vietnam trip may not really popular as good as another country trip such as Thailand, South Korea or America. Vietnam itself is so interesting and lovely for your best choice to travel. Here are the reasons why this country should become your best option about traveling or holiday trip :

Echnic Woman in Sapa

Different Atmosphere With Beautifully Local Cultures
In Vietnam, you can get different atmosphere with beautifully local cultures. For people who love natural view and want to explore Asian countries, Vietnam can be the best recommendation for your destination trip. Local atmospheres and views are everywhere in Vietnam, where so many local peoples are friendly with their most beautiful smile. Keep smiling and be nice to them, or maybe you can talk to them if you want to join their cultures and want to practice social interaction.


Safe Recommendation To Travel To Vietnam
But Vietnam also has its own rule and procedure to make sure you are completely safe in this country. Here are some recommendations if you want to travel to Vietnam safely, especially if you want to do independent backpacking all by yourself :
-          Avoid night life in Vietnam. Not to say that Vietnam is dangerous or full of risky crimes but you can end up in trouble if you spend time all alone on the street at night. Actually, Vietnam has the cheapest beers and many good bars when night comes, especially in Hanoi. Unless you are with someone who can protect you or with bunch of friends (like three or four friends) maybe you can still try to explore night life in Vietnam. But all alone? Better not to go.
-          Motorcycles are everywhere in Vietnam, where you can use it as alternative option if you don’t choose bus. But stay make sure you are totally know how to ride a motorcycle and can ride it safely.
-          Ask someone if you want to find address or better to plan it before you go to that place. It’s not recommended to ask taxi driver because maybe they can manipulate you where you have to pay higher cost because they choose long route to your destination.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fun and Enjoyable Trip To Thailand

By Unknown | At 6:20 AM | Label : , , , | 0 Comments
Thailand is one of the biggest options people often consider to go. People say Thailand is beautiful country, with challenging and fun atmosphere you will love to feel and enjoy about. But what makes this country really interesting for your best destination? If you want to get a holiday trip, what makes Thailand should be your best option to choose? Maybe this article can help you to explain the reasons why Thailand can be your only answer for great experience.

Fun & Unforgettable Places In Thailand
Have you seen a movie named The Beach starring Leonardo Dicaprio? That movie tells the story of backpacker who goes along countries and find himself trapped in the most beautiful side of Thailand. You can see so many beautiful spots in that movie, from beach, view, atmosphere and places. If you love beach or fresh-atmosphere destination, Thailand offers you the best chance about it. There are so many beautiful and wonderful beaches in Thailand. For example, Ko Phi Phi, Ko Samui and Ko Phangan are perfectly beautiful beaches to go. White sand beaches and stunning view will sure to hypnotize you in the best way.
Not only beach, there are many entertaining and lovely places in Thailand. Of course you know the name of Pattaya, right? This area offers fun and crazy side of Thailand, with so many entertaining places for tourists.... and adults. Pattaya also known for its good crowd and fantastic foods. So if you want to join a club or spend great time until midnight, try Pattaya for your best consideration.
Crazy Thai culinary such as fried cockroaches and snakes also can be your challenging idea to try. If you have interest to do something different, challenge yourself to eat these “unique” snacks when you travel to Thailand.

Ko Phi Phi

Ko Samui
Ko Phangan

Cultural & Art Places In Thailand
Thailand is not only about interesting and unforgettable places to have fun. If you love to see cultures and artistic side of one country, cultural and art places in Thailand can be your biggest recommendation. You can see natural and local side of Thailand in so many art buildings and historical places. Sukhotai historical park and Ayutthaya historical park are two examples to prove the beautiful yet artistic side of Thailand for your travel experience.

Overall, we guarantee you will love your experience when take a trip to Thailand. It’s a good destination for you as independent traveler, with family or together with a bunch of friends. You won’t see only the biggest entertaining and fun spots but also learn knowledge and beautiful arts in this wonderful country. So, what do you think? Ready to take a trip for this year or for your next holiday destination?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Beautiful & Natural Side of East Kalimantan

By Unknown | At 4:41 AM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
East Kalimantan can be your perfect destination if you want to explore something new for your experience. It’s one of the best areas in Indonesia that maybe not really come with high popularity as good as Bali. We can’t deny that Bali is so famous in the eyes of world where this land often said as one of the most beautiful destinations for your holiday experience. But East Kalimantan also can be your alternative solution if you want to find something different. Something beautiful and natural. East Kalimantan has its own unique atmosphere and lovely nuance. You will love it for sure.

Mulawarman Art Museum

Labuan Cermin Lake
Lembuswana sculpture

Derawan - East Kalimantan

Interesting Spots In East Kalimantan

There are so many interesting spots in East Kalimantan. For example, Mulawarman Art Museum can be your best place to go. It’s a historic place that held in 1932 by Dutch Government. So many interesting spots in this art museum such as Lembuswana sculpture in front of the building as the symbol of Kutai Kertanegara kingdom. Inside this building, you can find so many historical things from the past, also cultural description about them. For people who love art and culture, Mulawarman Art Museum is the perfect place to go and see.
Canopy Bridge
What else? Not only that, you can go to Bukit Bangkirai, a good destination to see natural side of East Kalimantan. There is Canopy Bridge or Jembatan Tajuk, a high-challenging bridge where you can walk on it to challenge yourself, also as the best spot to hunt photos around you. With fresh air and beautiful atmosphere, you will love to go to this Bukit Bangkirai to get totally new experience.
Last but not the least, there is a famous river named Mahakam river. It’s the greatest place to get beautiful view, get unique photos and see so many natural things such as tree or birds. You will love to see the cultural side along the river.
Cheap Price For Your Greatest Holiday Trip
One great advantage about East Kalimantan trip is you will get best deal about the price. Yes, East Kalimantan is perfect solution for your holiday trip because you can get cheap price about it. Different than other destinations and cities in Indonesia, usually you only need small budget to go to East Kalimantan. For better price, make sure to avoid weekends or national holiday such as Christmas or New Year’s Eve so you will get better chance to get cheaper flight ticket.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Europe Tour : The Best & Promising Destination

By Unknown | At 4:06 AM | Label : , , | 0 Comments

If you looking for a different trip outside your country, you know you can get so many names : Japan, Korea, China, Bali, U.S.A or.... Europe! Yes, Europe tour can be your biggest solution to do if you want an extraordinary destination. European countries known for their beautiful view, cultural places and promising experience if you go there. As the best and promising destination, impossible to say that you don’t want a free plan ticket to go to Europe. Travel to Europe is a rare luck. Not only you will enjoy the view, but you will get a chance to feel a completely different atmosphere than your own country’s atmosphere. For recommendation, better to enjoy Europe tour when winter comes or in the end of year. You can see snow and play with it. Not only that, the views of building structures, monument, historic and art places in Europe are so unbelievable and great. You won’t feel regret to see it, we promise.

Perfect Destination And Culinary
Venice - Italy

Eiffel - France

Helsinki - Finland


We can say that Europe tour is not cheap, if you compare it to another country trip. You may will need bigger budget to do Europe tour, especially if you will travel with your family. You must arrange big budget about it. But believe us, the price worth with what you will see. You will experience something great, beautiful or even magical when decide a destination to Europe. So many great places in European countries. For example, mount Jungfrau in Swiss will give a total beautiful view especially if you travel there when snow rain comes.
Mount Jungfrau in Swiss
Don’t forget about culinary. Culinary in Europe at its best. You can find so many delicious local foods such as sandwich, steak, bacon and big fish. From snacks to main menus, Europe foods are really perfect for your greatest experience.

Europe Foods


Smart Guide For Europe Tour
So here is a smart guide when you agree to do Europe tour : better to plan it a few months or even a year before the Day-D.  Because you may get expensive price for flight when you buy ticket only a few days before you want to go. Besides that, make sure to plan what kind of trip you want to do, do you want to do it all alone, with a bunch of friends or with your family? Because it will affect the preparation about budget and destination itself. If you think you want to join a trip from travel agent to save a lot of money, it can be your best recommendation too. Sure you can still feel fun and enjoyable for your Europe destination!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Istanbul Turkey: When You Visit Asia and Europe at Once

By Unknown | At 11:10 PM | Label : , , , | 0 Comments
Visiting Istanbul, Turkey can be the greatest holiday plan ever. Not only you will find a lot of unique culture and natural view, visiting Istanbul is practically visiting Asia and Europe at the same time. Coming to Istanbul is a perfect idea for you to get unique cross cultural experience. Especially, if you love history, visiting Istanbul will give you more experience about Asia and Europe’s religion history. Great isn’t it?

Why Istanbul
Istanbul is actually a large city in Turkey. It consists of several districts which are located in its unique location. Every district has its own different natural view and neighbourhood . Geographically, Istanbul is located in a narrow strait between Black Sea and Marmara Sea. This location creates a perfect holiday destination, especially in the side of Black Sea where you can experience floating in this unique sea water. At the same time, you will enjoy the unique culture between Aia and Europe for Istanbul is the bridge between Asia and Europe. It will be great tour in unique natural view with great cross cultural experience.

Where to visit
Galata Tower in Istanbul
There are some districts you have to visit in Istanbul. The first and the must visit destination is the Ultanahmet Old City. It was called Constantinople of te Roman in the past. In this district there are a lot historical buildings which have been used in various way, such as church which then changed to be mosque. The second is Galata. This is an area where you can find some traditional housing architecture. It is also known as a nightlife city where you can fund a lot of night clubs and pubs. It Galata you can make your great adventure. It Galata you can alway rely on its 24 hour public transportation system. The third destination is New City. It is the main business center with many modern building. This is the place where you can go shopping any time.
Another great part of Istanbul is Bosphorus. This the side of Istanbul which has European face. You can find a lot of parks, European mansion, and great bohemian neighbourhood. This place has unique cultural view for it has European architecture with Middle East touch and culture. To end your holiday you have to visit Prince Island which reflects a perfect gateway from Istanbul. Since Istanbul will expose Asian-European culture which might be really different from your own culture, you have to first learn about their unique culture.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mount Bromo: The Greatest Sunrise from The Highest

By Unknown | At 9:31 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Mount Bromo
Visiting Indonesia to spend your holiday can be a great experience for you. But, which island should be visited? It seems that everyone thinking about tropical beach. In fact, visiting another area with another natural attraction will absolutely be a great idea. Coming to Mount Bromo, East Java will get you awesome experience. 

Awesome mountain experience

Visiting Mount Bromo can be a unique experience for your holiday; it is not just any Mount. The Mount Bromo is an active volcano which is part if massif Tengger, East Jave. The name Bromo is derived from Brahma which means God in Hindu. Bromo is sacred mountain for people who live in this area which has so many attractions. It is more than just a mountain. The first and the most popular spot is the Sand of Sea local people call it Lautan Pasir. This is a vast area in the Mount Bromo feet which has been protected since 1919. You will find yourself in the middle of cold desert when you are standing in this area.
The second attraction is the sunrise view from Penanjakan Mountain. This is popular view point in the 9,088 feet high above the sea level in Mount Bromo. People usually come to this place at dawn to see the most beautiful sunrise here. From this viewpoint, you can see the sun rises between the mountains and the morning fog. It is freezing there, just prepare your coat and mountain shoes before coming to this spot. The third attraction is actually located 5 minutes before Penanjakan Mountain. It is the caldera sulfur. It is pretty easy to reach this place, you just have to walk following the stairs which lead you to the caldera. It is amazing here, you can see the caldera and the active volcano reaction.

Thing you should prepare

Visiting Mount Bromo can be a challenged holiday. However, you have to prepare everything well before the holiday. First, check the local news and the government regulation. It is very important since Mount Bromo is an active mountain, checking the local news will help you getting some information like whether the area is open to public on the day you are planning to go. Second, decide the route, like whether you start the journey from Malang or Surabaya. It will affect the transportation and the budget that you need, including whether you plan to stay in Mount Bromo or coming to the mountain directly from the place where you stay. Deciding the route will help you considering the transportation, since the government do not allow you to drive your own car to mountain unless you drive an off road car. Don’t worry, there are a lot affordable off road rent cars, including the driver. The last, prepare some warm clothes and raincoat to protect you.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Perfect Summer and Beautiful Fall in Miyajima - Japan

By Unknown | At 6:51 PM | Label : , , , , , , | 0 Comments
Miyajima, which means the Shrine Island, is another name of Itsukushima island. The island is located in the Hiroshima Bay, which means it is part of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. As an island which the greatest island in Japan which has been approved as a world heritage by UNESCO, Miyajima is one of the best holiday spot to spend either your summer or fall vacation.

Perfect summer day
Visiting Itsukushima in summer, especially around July and August, will get you the best summer day ever. Just before your first step on this island, you will be enjoying great Hiroshima Bay scenery from the ferry. In summer, the ocean will reflect the sun shine between the summer breeze. Especially, around July and August in the afternoon, you would see the best look of the Itsukusima shrine which has a famous Shinto shrine gate and underneath shrine under the sea. In the morning until the afternoon, you can walk to the underneath part of the torii since the water does not cover it.
Another best part of summer day in Itsukushima is that you can play with some deer which live in this island. Since they have been meeting a lot of people for so long, they are not afraid of tourists. It will be fun to take some picture and feed them. The deer are represent the presence of God in the Shinto shrine. In the summer, there are also a lot of souvenir shops and food stalls. It will be a perfect summer when you try kakigori, Japanese snow ball ice, in a hot summer day.

Beautiful fall in Itsukushima
Visiting Itsukushima island in fall day will also get you unforgettable experience of beauty. Beside famous for the shrines, Itsukushima is also famous foe its momiji. Momiji is Miyajima’s maple tree with has larger and deeper color than any maple tree in Japan. The momiji trees in this island are planned throughout the island, so the island will seem like being covered by the reddish maple leave in the fall day. During the autumn, the temperature is also lower. You will experience the fresh and cool air while enjoying the beauty of reddish momiji leaves.

To close your tout in Itsukushima, buying some momiji manju will give you a perfect end. Momiji manju is traditional Japanese pastry which is shaped like momiji leave. It is filled with azuki jam or custard.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Playa Grande Costa Rica: Your Next Holiday Destination

By Unknown | At 10:54 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
For some people, spending holiday in a beautiful beach with comfortable inn and facilities is the greatest escape way from their busy and tiring day. Are thinking of the same thing? Put Playa Grande to your next holiday destination. It will be perfect destination for your family and you.

The beach in town
How great it is to go to a beach in town, where you do not have to spend too much time to reach. Just some to Playa Grande. It is a beach town which is located in the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica or it is best known as the northern area after Tamarindo. Besides it is located perfectly in town, it is also known as the best surfing spot in Costa Rica. It can be a great experience for you who want to learn to surf during the holiday. At the same time, for professional surfers, this place will be great place not only to surf, but the most important is to spend your holiday in an exotic town.
For Playa Grande is located in town, you do not have to worry about the place to stay. There are various rate of hotels and inn. Indeed, Playa Grande is well known for its luxurious homes and condos. It is a perfect place for you who want to enjoy an exotic Pacific beach in luxurious hotels and to close your vacation by visiting shops and boutiques.

What to do in Playa Grande
Of course you can go surfing and enjoying the beautiful beach here. Is that all? No! There are a lot of fun things you can do in Playa Grande. For example visiting Rio Matapalo. This is an area near Playa Grande where you can go to the wild. There are several of adventurous activities like sport fishing, hiking, sailing and even horseback riding. If you want to explore the ocean you can also go diving and snorkeling here. You do not have to worry about your skill, since there are a lot of professional guides who will assist going to the wild.
Since the vacation area is located in town, you don’t have to worry about things you should take to your vacation. You just need prepare some usual stuff which you need for a beach holiday. Bring your swimwear, glasses, sun block, and of course multifunction bag to help you carrying them when you go around the town.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Stunning Mount Nglanggeran as an Amazing Place to Spend Your Holiday

By Unknown | At 5:46 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
One of the best places to visit in Yogyakarta today is undeniably Mount Nglanggeran, which is an amazing place to spend time at. The mountain is where people can enjoy a view of captivating sceneries from the top of a mountain and it is not only that that makes it an amazing place to spend time at. Nglanggeran has two peaks, which are dubbed he eastern peak and the western peak, with a caldera located in the center. There are various places to visit in Nglanggeran and mostly all of them are amazing places that can offer great views. Nglanggeran is dubbed an ancient volcano, which is estimated to be active millions of years ago and it is a place where people can find mountains with unique shapes and more.

Mount Nglanggeran and What It Has to Offer to Visitors
Dubbed an ancient volcano, Mount Nglanggeran has a lot of things to offers to visitors including mountains that have unique shapes and names. The mountains are including Mount Kelir, Mount 5 Jari, and Mount Wayang, three of them being mountains that were named based on their unique shapes. The mountains are not the only things Nglanggeran has to offer since Nglanggeran also offers green fields that are simply beautiful. Nglanggeran also offers an easy route and an easy track that may be things that those who would like to climb the mountain would love. On top of that, those wanting to climb the mountain will have a chance to enjoy great views along the way as well.

Mount Nglanggeran and Things Visitors Can Do There
Visitors who visit Nglanggeran can do varied things once they arrive at the mountain. One of the things that visitors can do is watching the sunset from the mountain’s top. Watching the sunset at the mountain’s top can be a quite special moment and it is something many people would like to be able to do. Those visiting the mountain can also spend a night there and enjoy the sunrise. Fortunately, there are tour organizers that can help visitors who want to spend a great night and enjoy watching the sunrise at the morning when visiting the mountain. People who want to do camping are also allowed to do camping activities there. To put it simply, the stunning Mount Nglanggeran is unquestionably an amazing place to spend time at, especially when spending holidays with families, friends, or colleagues.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Beautiful Sentosa Island and Why You Should Visit It

By Unknown | At 5:36 PM | Label : , , , | 0 Comments

That sentosa island is one of the best places to visit in Singapore is undeniably true and there are reasons for that. The island can be considered Singapore’s playground and it has many interesting things to offer to travelers who decide on visiting it. World-class attractions are some of the things the island can offer and it means that travelers can spend a great time visiting the attractions. The island also offers a chance to those who like sea sports to enjoy some of the sports they like since sea sports are also amongst the things that the island offers to travelers visiting it. Here are a number of things that help make the island interesting you might need to know if Singapore is where you plan on spending your holiday in.

Sentosa Island and What Travelers Can Find There
The beautiful sentosa island is where travelers can find varied things including pristine beaches many people would want to spend time at. The beaches are beautiful and they are places people can play at merrily with their colleagues. The next thing travelers can find there is a park where people can learn about floras and faunas. It is an amazing park and people can get a chance to know about various animals and plants at the park. Another thing travelers can find in the island is a wave house, which is a sophisticatedly built place where people can ride barreling waves. The island even has a golf spot for those who like golf and would like to try playing golf in the island with other people who like golf as much as they do.

Sentosa Island and Interesting Things the Island Offers to Travelers
There are interesting things Sentosa has to offer to travelers and Images of Singapore, which is something that can help travelers learn about culture, is one of them. The next interesting things the island offers to travelers are numerous restaurants in various types. There are more than fifty restaurants ranging from casual restaurants to classy restaurants. Travelers have many restaurant options to find restaurants that suit their tastes from when visiting the island during a holiday. Constituting a beautiful resort island that has pristine beaches and offers varied things to travelers that visit it, the beautiful sentosa island is without the slightest doubt an amazing place those wanting to spend their holidays in Singapore can choose to visit.
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