Showing posts with label Visit Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visit Indonesia. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Wonderful Lake in Telaga Warna

By Unknown | At 11:13 PM | Label : , , , , , , | 0 Comments
Indonesia will always have a great place to visit. It is not by beaches and mountains, lakes, but also become the different attraction in this country. If you have free time at the end of the year, of course, you have to spend your days to visit the beautiful places in Indonesia. Telaga Warna be the best recommendation to visit. This is a lake in the mountain area. Of course, the situation around the lake is so cold. In addition to the lakes, you should know about this place a few attractions.

What can you find in Telaga Warna?Of course, you have a big question in your mind to face the big attraction in Telaga Warna. Okay, we'll give sets of information about this place. Telaga Warna has the green color of its surface. Is so different Telaga Warna if compared to other lakes in Indonesia. Around the lake, they are plants. the natural appearance within the given tourist location. By paying the fine at cheap price, you can enjoy all the attractions in Telaga Warna. You can take pictures there. Therefore, before going to Telaga Warna, it is better for you to prepare your cameras. There will be a thousand pictures that will take place here.

What are the traditional foods in Telaga Warna tourist spot?
Carica is traditional foods, which can be found on their site Telaga Warna tourism. For a bottle carica, you should spend $ 1. It is so cheap? Yes, of course it is cheap. Carica papaya is made, combined with sugar. Therefore, the taste is so sweet. Telaga Warna be visiting that there is nothing this guy delicious food. If you want to stay in place for several days, there are so many hotels that can be found at this location. Of course, the price is on the various types of fees. Just take care of your budget to find the hotel.

Now, you should book a ticket to go to Indonesia; Telaga Warna be the best place for your holiday destination. Of course, you can enjoy spending days there. Telaga Warna is like paradise. You will enjoy the panoramic view and traditional food in that place. You should invite your friends to go with you also have the vacation time in Telaga Warna. It will be your best experience in Indonesia.

Goa Pindul, Amazing Place to Cave Tubing

By Unknown | At 11:11 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Are you getting crazy to spend days and months behind your desk? It is a terrible thing to face. Now, you have to stop working and have a vacation time. If you want to explore nature, Indonesia is the place to visit bets. This country is like a paradise with all the beauty. Pindul Goa is the best recommendation for you. What can we do in this place? Okay, just be here and find information about this place.

  • how to reach that place

It is easy for you to reach this place. If you stay in Jogjakarta, you just have to go in the south direction to Gunung Kidul. This place can be reached after you spend one hour from Yogyakarta. If you drive car, you should go to Prambanan Temple first.Then, you may go to the south direction to Wonosari, then reach Goa Pindul. Along the road, you will find Indonesia people who offer the cave tubing to this place. You may get them and ask them to guide you to Goa Pindul.

  • Is that free?

For guiding to reach Goa Pindul, you do not have to spend money. They will give you the guidance free. However, if you want to give them tip, it is up to you. Later, the guides will ask you to the ticket counter for buying the ticket. That is not so expensive. For exploring cave with tubing, you just have to pay $10 for single person.

  • what can you see in Goa Pindul?

You get great pleasure there. Pindul Goa is divided into three parts. First, it will be in the bright area. This is the area early. You can see what the situation around in this area. Then you get the gray area. It is not so bright. However, it is not as dark as well. Then you get to the dark area. In this area, you will find no light at all. The guide will indicate the status and history of the place. After several minutes, you get to the end of the cave.

There are so many people come to this place every day. Now, you have to make a plan to get to this place with friends and family. cave tubing will be unforgettable experience in Yogyakarta. You should get some pictures in this place with beautiful scenery. Of course you like this place so much.

Candi Cetho, A Secret Place in Karanganyar

By Unknown | At 11:08 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
Candi Cetho is located in Karanganyar, Central Java.  If you stay in Yogyakarta, you need 4 hours for reaching this place. What we can see in that place? That is a big question for  you. Okay, it is a cnace for us to tel you about the attraction of Candi Cetho.  You have to prepare yourself for having the long journey for reaching this place after knowing the attraction.

  • The attraction of Candi Cetho

From Karanganyar, you need one and a half hours for reaching this place. Along the road, you will see the great panorama with natural beauty. The green tea plantation is spread out for hectares. Taking some photos in the tea plantation background will be a good idea. You just have to prepare your best cameras to capture the panorama along the tea plantation. Then, you will go to the high place. Candi Cetho is located in the high land. When you see the panorama below, you will feel that you are in the sky. That is very exciting.

  • The description of Candi Cetho

After entering the gates Candi Cetho, you have to go up some stairs. It could be so exhausting for you. However, for several minutes, you have tons be ready to be tired. After reaching the top of the temple, you will see the secret about this place. People around the candi Cetho used this place to make religion the ceremonial activity. They are Hindu people. That is why; when it is there. you should keep your words. Saying something bad is not allowed here. That is why; you should remain silent while taking pictures or enjoy the panorama.

After spending an hour in this place you can be lowered. There are so many delicious foods that are expected in the underside. Therefore, you have to try traditional food from the local population. Now, you must make a plan to go to this place. If you are having vacation in Indonesia, you have to ask your tour guide to have time to visit this place. It will be nice to visit. Well, those are those we can provide to you. It expects that will soon visit this beautiful place. Then you can come back after several years. Indonesian people are always ready to welcome you with the best hospitality.

Exploring Kawah Ijen in Banyuwangi

By Unknown | At 11:04 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Have you ever heard Kawah Ijen? If ever known about the exploration of sulfur, this is the place where scanning is performed. Kawah Ijen is located in Gunung ijen. This mountain is in Banyuwangi. If you visit in Indonesia reaching Banyuwangi can do for Bali. You just need to have an hour's drive to reach Gunung Ijen. What is the special attraction to this place? You may ask this question. Okay, you may not move too far form us. On this special occasion, we would like to talk about this place in detail. So, just stay here and get information about Kawah Ijen.

The natural landscape in Kawah Ijen

If you like exploring nature, this is the place to visit. If you want to go to this place, first you must book the flight to Indonesia. It is possible to Bali first, if you come through Jakarta, which will spend two days to get to this place. Therefore, Bali will be his first destination. Bali and Java is different island. Therefore, after reaching Ngurah Rai International Airport, you go to Gili Manuk to reach the island of Java. From Ketapang, just spend an hour to get to Ijen mountain. It is so far? You will not say it's a place long after learning about this wonderful place.

tracking Kawah Ijen

After arriving in the parking area, you have to go for three hours. Usually, visitors will rise in the night time. They want blue fire, which can be found in the middle of Kawah Ijen is turned on. Have you ever heard the blue fire? If you are lucky enough, you can catch these natural phenomena. However, if you go up in the morning time, blue fire will be lost for you. However, you can still enjoy the natural beauty of the mountain although blue fire is lost.

Now, you have to get images of blue fire in Kawah Ijen. There are so many people visit this place to see this place. After visiting this beautiful place, they say it is the most beautiful place in the world. Therefore, you have to stop work and book a ticket to Indonesia. After arriving in Bali, you can take the accompanying guide to reach Kawah Ijen. Of course, you have to invite your friends to go with you too. You can have the unforgettable exploration there.

The Most Beautiful Sunrise in Bromo

By Unknown | At 11:01 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
Sunrise will give the different attraction of natural. If you like the sunrise, bromine is the best place to see sin to come to earth. Bromine going to be an incredible experience. Getting there is not something difficult to treat. It is an opportunity for us to inform bromine attraction with its beautiful sunrise. Stay here and get information about bromine and nice sunrise.

as Bromine get

If you have planned to visit bromine, only the flight must book in Jakarta or Bali. Bromine going to be very easy for the airport. If you come from Jakarta, just book another flight to Malang. Alternatively, you can go there by train. In Malang, you should get local transport to Tumpang. It is the next destination to get. From Tumpang, you can go to bromine jeep. Is this expensive? You may ask that question. Transport is local transport jeep, used to go to Bromo. Therefore, it is normal if you have to spend more money to rent jeep. If you come to Bali for the first destination that will not happen days to reach Malang. You may spend several hours with car transportation. That is why; it is recommended for you to get to Bali first before Malang.

where to stay in Bromo

If you want to stay in Bromine for several days, there is some house, that can be found around this place. These houses belong to the local population. Staying at home is the best option you want to enjoy the sunrise in the morning. Bromine is a cool place. Therefore, you have to be ready with his jacket. The jacket cover you from the cold. If you do not use it, get the disease will be easy. Of course, you can enjoy the sun coming from the east through bromine.

Bromine will give you the best attraction of nature. That is why; you have to stop your work time. Having a vacation is necessary; Of course, you can visit bromine as the best destination to see the sunrise. Of course, you can enjoy delicious foods that come from the local people too. It will be the best vacation experience for you and your friends. Indonesian people are always ready to welcome you for days with the best hospitality and broad smiles.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Stunning Mount Nglanggeran as an Amazing Place to Spend Your Holiday

By Unknown | At 5:46 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
One of the best places to visit in Yogyakarta today is undeniably Mount Nglanggeran, which is an amazing place to spend time at. The mountain is where people can enjoy a view of captivating sceneries from the top of a mountain and it is not only that that makes it an amazing place to spend time at. Nglanggeran has two peaks, which are dubbed he eastern peak and the western peak, with a caldera located in the center. There are various places to visit in Nglanggeran and mostly all of them are amazing places that can offer great views. Nglanggeran is dubbed an ancient volcano, which is estimated to be active millions of years ago and it is a place where people can find mountains with unique shapes and more.

Mount Nglanggeran and What It Has to Offer to Visitors
Dubbed an ancient volcano, Mount Nglanggeran has a lot of things to offers to visitors including mountains that have unique shapes and names. The mountains are including Mount Kelir, Mount 5 Jari, and Mount Wayang, three of them being mountains that were named based on their unique shapes. The mountains are not the only things Nglanggeran has to offer since Nglanggeran also offers green fields that are simply beautiful. Nglanggeran also offers an easy route and an easy track that may be things that those who would like to climb the mountain would love. On top of that, those wanting to climb the mountain will have a chance to enjoy great views along the way as well.

Mount Nglanggeran and Things Visitors Can Do There
Visitors who visit Nglanggeran can do varied things once they arrive at the mountain. One of the things that visitors can do is watching the sunset from the mountain’s top. Watching the sunset at the mountain’s top can be a quite special moment and it is something many people would like to be able to do. Those visiting the mountain can also spend a night there and enjoy the sunrise. Fortunately, there are tour organizers that can help visitors who want to spend a great night and enjoy watching the sunrise at the morning when visiting the mountain. People who want to do camping are also allowed to do camping activities there. To put it simply, the stunning Mount Nglanggeran is unquestionably an amazing place to spend time at, especially when spending holidays with families, friends, or colleagues.
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