Showing posts with label Adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adventure. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Wonderful Lake in Telaga Warna

By Unknown | At 11:13 PM | Label : , , , , , , | 0 Comments
Indonesia will always have a great place to visit. It is not by beaches and mountains, lakes, but also become the different attraction in this country. If you have free time at the end of the year, of course, you have to spend your days to visit the beautiful places in Indonesia. Telaga Warna be the best recommendation to visit. This is a lake in the mountain area. Of course, the situation around the lake is so cold. In addition to the lakes, you should know about this place a few attractions.

What can you find in Telaga Warna?Of course, you have a big question in your mind to face the big attraction in Telaga Warna. Okay, we'll give sets of information about this place. Telaga Warna has the green color of its surface. Is so different Telaga Warna if compared to other lakes in Indonesia. Around the lake, they are plants. the natural appearance within the given tourist location. By paying the fine at cheap price, you can enjoy all the attractions in Telaga Warna. You can take pictures there. Therefore, before going to Telaga Warna, it is better for you to prepare your cameras. There will be a thousand pictures that will take place here.

What are the traditional foods in Telaga Warna tourist spot?
Carica is traditional foods, which can be found on their site Telaga Warna tourism. For a bottle carica, you should spend $ 1. It is so cheap? Yes, of course it is cheap. Carica papaya is made, combined with sugar. Therefore, the taste is so sweet. Telaga Warna be visiting that there is nothing this guy delicious food. If you want to stay in place for several days, there are so many hotels that can be found at this location. Of course, the price is on the various types of fees. Just take care of your budget to find the hotel.

Now, you should book a ticket to go to Indonesia; Telaga Warna be the best place for your holiday destination. Of course, you can enjoy spending days there. Telaga Warna is like paradise. You will enjoy the panoramic view and traditional food in that place. You should invite your friends to go with you also have the vacation time in Telaga Warna. It will be your best experience in Indonesia.

Goa Pindul, Amazing Place to Cave Tubing

By Unknown | At 11:11 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Are you getting crazy to spend days and months behind your desk? It is a terrible thing to face. Now, you have to stop working and have a vacation time. If you want to explore nature, Indonesia is the place to visit bets. This country is like a paradise with all the beauty. Pindul Goa is the best recommendation for you. What can we do in this place? Okay, just be here and find information about this place.

  • how to reach that place

It is easy for you to reach this place. If you stay in Jogjakarta, you just have to go in the south direction to Gunung Kidul. This place can be reached after you spend one hour from Yogyakarta. If you drive car, you should go to Prambanan Temple first.Then, you may go to the south direction to Wonosari, then reach Goa Pindul. Along the road, you will find Indonesia people who offer the cave tubing to this place. You may get them and ask them to guide you to Goa Pindul.

  • Is that free?

For guiding to reach Goa Pindul, you do not have to spend money. They will give you the guidance free. However, if you want to give them tip, it is up to you. Later, the guides will ask you to the ticket counter for buying the ticket. That is not so expensive. For exploring cave with tubing, you just have to pay $10 for single person.

  • what can you see in Goa Pindul?

You get great pleasure there. Pindul Goa is divided into three parts. First, it will be in the bright area. This is the area early. You can see what the situation around in this area. Then you get the gray area. It is not so bright. However, it is not as dark as well. Then you get to the dark area. In this area, you will find no light at all. The guide will indicate the status and history of the place. After several minutes, you get to the end of the cave.

There are so many people come to this place every day. Now, you have to make a plan to get to this place with friends and family. cave tubing will be unforgettable experience in Yogyakarta. You should get some pictures in this place with beautiful scenery. Of course you like this place so much.

Candi Cetho, A Secret Place in Karanganyar

By Unknown | At 11:08 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
Candi Cetho is located in Karanganyar, Central Java.  If you stay in Yogyakarta, you need 4 hours for reaching this place. What we can see in that place? That is a big question for  you. Okay, it is a cnace for us to tel you about the attraction of Candi Cetho.  You have to prepare yourself for having the long journey for reaching this place after knowing the attraction.

  • The attraction of Candi Cetho

From Karanganyar, you need one and a half hours for reaching this place. Along the road, you will see the great panorama with natural beauty. The green tea plantation is spread out for hectares. Taking some photos in the tea plantation background will be a good idea. You just have to prepare your best cameras to capture the panorama along the tea plantation. Then, you will go to the high place. Candi Cetho is located in the high land. When you see the panorama below, you will feel that you are in the sky. That is very exciting.

  • The description of Candi Cetho

After entering the gates Candi Cetho, you have to go up some stairs. It could be so exhausting for you. However, for several minutes, you have tons be ready to be tired. After reaching the top of the temple, you will see the secret about this place. People around the candi Cetho used this place to make religion the ceremonial activity. They are Hindu people. That is why; when it is there. you should keep your words. Saying something bad is not allowed here. That is why; you should remain silent while taking pictures or enjoy the panorama.

After spending an hour in this place you can be lowered. There are so many delicious foods that are expected in the underside. Therefore, you have to try traditional food from the local population. Now, you must make a plan to go to this place. If you are having vacation in Indonesia, you have to ask your tour guide to have time to visit this place. It will be nice to visit. Well, those are those we can provide to you. It expects that will soon visit this beautiful place. Then you can come back after several years. Indonesian people are always ready to welcome you with the best hospitality.

Challenging and Extraordinary Trip To North Korea

By Unknown | At 11:06 PM | Label : , , | 0 Comments

It is possible to prevent North Korea for your vacation destination. It is because North Korea is a bad place to go, but it's risky and different from other countries. We know from the news that North Korea is as independent and isolated country. Perhaps in our imagination, we imagine that this country is dark, dangerous and full of rules. Perhaps the last word is correct, but the first other words are totally wrong. North Korea is not dark, which is the same as another country, come with a luminous environment with fresh air. Dangerous? If you do not follow the rules, it is dangerous, but if they obey the rules completely different experience will give you love and enjoy. But what kind of rules you have to obey? And why should we visit this mysterious country? Read this article to find the best answers about it.

Cultural attractions in North Korea
If you like art, culture and history, he loves to go to North Korea. North Korea trip is interesting, especially for people who like to learn different culture in different countries. That's why so many journalists or artists like to go to this country to explore and dare themselves: because this country is a difficult journey for them. More than that, there are many cultural attractions in North Korea for best recommendation.
The most interesting point in North Korea is the statue of Kim Jong Il. For time is priceless to stand in front of this statue, which is a must to go to North Korea. Not only the statue, you can read cultural part of North Korea, people and places of entertainment. Local people in North Korea are nice and friendly, you can even talk to them easily. Not only that, there are entertainment venues in North Korea, so do not have to be concerned if you think North Korea is a dark and boring country. Same like other countries, North Korea has its amusing side, with good atmosphere.
What's cooking? You're not hard to find something to eat. So many foods to eat with delicious ingredients and safe. Usually, if you stay at the hotel, which offer many great foods for better recommendation.
Statue of Kim Jong Il

Rules and Guides For North Korea TripBut the most important thing to know before making a trip to North Korea is about the rules and guidelines. In fact, the rules to go to North Korea is not strange or difficult to follow. The basic rules are only have to join a trip with many people travel agent North Korea must also promise to be completely clear personal data and profile. Some people said the South Korean people should not go there, so maybe sure that comes from another country. It is nice and make no strange things once they arrive in this country, follow the rules and what your guide recommended.

Exploring Kawah Ijen in Banyuwangi

By Unknown | At 11:04 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Have you ever heard Kawah Ijen? If ever known about the exploration of sulfur, this is the place where scanning is performed. Kawah Ijen is located in Gunung ijen. This mountain is in Banyuwangi. If you visit in Indonesia reaching Banyuwangi can do for Bali. You just need to have an hour's drive to reach Gunung Ijen. What is the special attraction to this place? You may ask this question. Okay, you may not move too far form us. On this special occasion, we would like to talk about this place in detail. So, just stay here and get information about Kawah Ijen.

The natural landscape in Kawah Ijen

If you like exploring nature, this is the place to visit. If you want to go to this place, first you must book the flight to Indonesia. It is possible to Bali first, if you come through Jakarta, which will spend two days to get to this place. Therefore, Bali will be his first destination. Bali and Java is different island. Therefore, after reaching Ngurah Rai International Airport, you go to Gili Manuk to reach the island of Java. From Ketapang, just spend an hour to get to Ijen mountain. It is so far? You will not say it's a place long after learning about this wonderful place.

tracking Kawah Ijen

After arriving in the parking area, you have to go for three hours. Usually, visitors will rise in the night time. They want blue fire, which can be found in the middle of Kawah Ijen is turned on. Have you ever heard the blue fire? If you are lucky enough, you can catch these natural phenomena. However, if you go up in the morning time, blue fire will be lost for you. However, you can still enjoy the natural beauty of the mountain although blue fire is lost.

Now, you have to get images of blue fire in Kawah Ijen. There are so many people visit this place to see this place. After visiting this beautiful place, they say it is the most beautiful place in the world. Therefore, you have to stop work and book a ticket to Indonesia. After arriving in Bali, you can take the accompanying guide to reach Kawah Ijen. Of course, you have to invite your friends to go with you too. You can have the unforgettable exploration there.

Basic Tips of Backpacker Travel Insurance

By Unknown | At 10:45 PM | Label : , , | 0 Comments

backpacker travel insurance will be an important topic to be discussed. There are a lot of people who plan to take the backpack in order to spend their free time. Well, Backpacking also requires that you take out travel insurance. It is important? Well, it is very important to ensure their safety while traveling around.

Speaking of travel insurance, there are actually also some tips for you to purchase travel insurance. Do you want to know about them? If you want to know about them, you can continue reading this article. Here is the discussion for you. Let's check reading and find your best information here!

Why is Travel Insurance Important for You?

Before giving you some tips, let’s review about why you should take travel insurance. For your information travel insurance has more benefits than your medical protection. This kind of insurance can cover when your expensive camera breaks, your family member gets sick and you have to come back to home, your flight is suddenly canceled, bag stolen or lost, and other emergency things you have to cover. That’s why you have to take it when travelling around. Well, it also only requires you few dollars.

Tips for Taking Travel Insurance

Well, now let’s talk about travel insurance tips. First of all, you have to look what you search for your great plan. There are a lot of options you will find. When planning a thing, you have to ensure that you have high coverage limit for your medical expenses. The good company will cover this part about 100,000 dollars. This part will be very important for you especially when you get sick or serious injured. Of course, you will need professional care, right? You have to avoid company with lower medical coverage.

Then, you have to also focus on the emergency evacuation and care. This part must be separated from medical expenses. For example, when you are hiking on the hill, you may get your legs injured. In this situation, you will need emergency care. After that, you will be evacuated to the hospital. That’s why you have to check about this feature when taking travel insurance.

Finally, we must understand more about travel insurance before making a deal with the company that ingests. So there will be some considerations that will take. Finally, these are all a few simple tips for travel insurance yourbackpacker.

4 Aspects to Cover by Backpacking Travel Insurance

backpacking travel insurance becomes the new demand among people and trend sabbaticals are widely accepted. It is said to be the biggest help for backpackers, covering several things to your budget can not afford. If you are taking a policy of this insurance, you should see the way he covers. Here is the list of things commonly covered.

Medical Treatment

Backpacking is fun but it also carries more risks to you. Avoiding the comfort, you are exposed to several risks. One of them is health risk. You need to know that medical treatment and repatriation can be very expensive if you are travelling abroad. Your backpacking budget will not afford it. This is when you backpacking travel insurance can help you. You will be covered and you don’t have to deal with more problems ahead.

Personal Stuff

Several personal stuffs can be in risks too, for example your passport and other travel documents, money, and other stuff. This can be a huge problem when you are travelling abroad or to places you don’t know before. Commonly travelling insurance policy will cover it as long as you make less than 24 hours report to nearby police department. The expense in reissuing your travel documents can cost too much, not to mention the other personal stuffs. 


It happens all the time. People are notified with sudden cancellation on their trips due to several problems which are commonly emergency situation. Meanwhile, you already booked for everything. Your vendors may not be able to give your money back. In such case, your insurance policy will do it. This is also the reason why you need to take your policy earlier. Cancellation can hurt your financial health and your insurance policy can handle it for you.  

Legal Stuff

Things happened and there are moments that can become entangled in the unwanted situation. This happens to many travelers before and that is why travel insurance covers. When problems, they tend to have expenses liability, accident, or legal processes they occur. You do not want to use your personal savings for this, right? This is why you need the insurance policy and that is why you need one that covers well.

An ideal policy will cover all of them even though they must have terms and conditions also apply. However, you can choose the cheapest politics all the time, covering the things you can find on your next trip. Adjust your need with all guards in backpacker travel insurance.

5 Top Ways to Get the Right Trip Insurance

Travel insurance is becoming more popular now with sabbaticals are widely accepted as positive. Many travelers want to be protected while enjoying your holiday. Because the options available, it is sometimes difficult to choose one. Here are several ways to choose the right one.

staff survey

This is how you normally find your travel insurance. It can be fast considering that each vendor wants you to be your customer. Ask policies they have and let wait until you get the whole supplier policy you want. To reduce the options, you should consider only reputable providers. They have the reputation and the quality you need.

read Quotes

As many people need this too, it is easy to find several quotes from suppliers. Most appointments are nice touches and can learn from there. This is faster than survey staff but not so specific. You need details, so do not rely on this alone. You can read the sentences to check whether the policies being offered is quite true and reliable.

Online comparison

Several related websites in this field offer their help in comparing the policies available. You can do this in several seconds and get the best recommendation I can possibly get. your options available also usually classified. Again, this is very useful but you can find full details simply comparing. You need to read the offer yourself.

Recommendations club

Several clubs traveler can help. You will be able to find several options at once based on the travel experience of the members. Commonly, this recommendation is real, non-commercial, and reliable. You can also directly to other travelers to get some suggestions. You only need to double-check the paper to make sure it is good enough before signing.

Travel Agent Tips

You can also ask your travel agent. Commonly they have this experience of its customers. Obtain information as a reliable supplier, process and defects of its customers. They will be able to give additional advice because of his knowledge of his fate too. Several destinations require some type of policy. This should narrow your choices too.
Each of the process may take a while. However, it is quite good considering the fact that you need to protect yourself on your vacation. It is best to start looking in advance to have enough to choose before your vacation time. Choose carefully to get the right travel insurance.

How does Private Health Insurance Works?

Private health insurance would be the additional option to ensure more safety. Today, governments are already putting in insurance for all citizens. That's why many people rely more government subsidy. It is good to understand about the government program, but being more careful to ensure their safety more, get a private health insurance is the best. It would cost some money for sure, but it would be worth.

The meaning and the benefit of this insurance
This insurance is insurance that would be a great help in maintaining the security of one. It is aimed at everyone who wants to book a preventive action on their daily lives. An easy and simple registration is also a good point of this program. You can get many benefits of enrolling in this insurance. The first benefit is that you can get a guarantee for your health every time. Since this is a private insurance, there is no exact time that works because it runs every time you live. This can help maintain healthy because there would be a program to ensure their health. Then you can also get a single, couple or even a family insurance. Now, you do not have to worry about the safety of your family anymore.

How does it work
Then let's talk about how this works. First, you need to choose a company and enroll in insurance. Then simply select a program that is interested in most. There are three available programs usually it includes, as a couple or family insurance. This would be great to match what you need the best. These three are different in each price, no doubt. The largest number of people you want registered, the more money you need to pay. If you're lucky, you can get a discount on any promotion of the insurance company. Register itself would not hurt as most of the company that has this program has no time delay, so it will last as long as you live. Finally, just you pay a little money every month. The amount of money may vary depends on the program and the company you choose. There would be no harm in this insurance, so it could only benefit from this private health insurance.

The Best Backpacker Travel Insurance You Can Get

By Unknown | At 10:25 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
The best backpacker travel insurance must be carefully looking for complete protection. Different individual travel insurance, this insurance can last a longer time. This would fit best for someone who likes to make a backpack. The adventure of this kind of trip can be a dangerous phase in their live. It is better to save your future with a safe. At least there would be a guarantee to avoid any negative accident in the future. You have to find the best travel insurance backpacker to stay healthy on every trip spent.

Why you should apply for this insurance

For those of you who like to backpack most of the time, get this insurance is a good thing. Especially this type of insurance can last twelve months or a year. Therefore, if you want to go for a single trip, you need not apply for this insurance. It is better to pick another option, but if you are a person who is making a regular trip, this program would be the best choice for you. The duration and destination being covered by this insurance is to have more variation than individual insurance, so have many options in this program. This is really useful for you who plan to go to different places in one year. You do not need to apply for insurance on each different trip, so it's good. Insurance may cover up security in many places in a long life for the whole twenty hours.

Tips on getting the best

One thing to keep in mind is that there are certain ages that can only be acceptable to apply this type of insurance. Many companies determine the age, so you should consider this as well. The company mostly only chooses people at an early age. If there is a person who is over a certain age, chances are rejected the application for insurance. You do not have to worry if you are over age is allowed, you can get insurance single trip. Some company also offers the basic program that takes adventure holidays can also be covered by insurance, so it would make complete protection. Choose a safe that is trusted and experienced to get the best backpacker travel insurance

Tips to Choose the Best Cheap Hostels

Tips to Choose the Best Cheap Hostels Cheap Hostel
Dublin Hostel 

When you have a plan to shoot more than one day, you should think cheap guesthouses. Cheap Hostels help you save a lot of money during your trip. Not only this, you also get many services that make you feel comfortable with it. However, not all cheap hostel will give you the best service, so you must consider many things before choosing a cheap hostel. Then it will be explained about it.

What's Hostel?

Hostel is a budget oriented place. You can find the simple room containing some bed rest. For you to go to stumble with their family, hostel is the best choice for you. Hostel is also suitable with you who want to go more than a day trip. You save your money, so you can use your money to buy other things.

How to choose the best cheap Hostal?

There are so many places can be the destination for your trip. When you want to find cheap pension, you can search the web. On the web, you can find many hostels in different prices. Compare and find the cheap hostel, but has good service. You can look at the rating. Choose the hostel has good rating (more than 7). And things must be considered when you want to choose the best cheap hostel are:
Tips to Choose the Best Cheap Hostels
Cheap Hostel in UK
Cheap Hostel in Kyoto
Cheap Hostel in Kyoto
Tips to Choose the Best Cheap Hostels
Cheap Hostel in Istanbul
cheap hotel rooms
Cheap Hostel in Dubai

• Choose a hostel which is close to the air port to make it easy to carry your belongings.
• Choose a hostel that is close to your destination.
• You can also choose a hostel that is close to the busway and the station.
• A hostel with good wi-fi is also recommended to improve your communication with your family.
• Breakfast is also important to save a lot of money. You can choose a hostel that offers breakfast, so you do not have to look meals in the morning.
• Choose a hostel offering a kitchen. You can save a lot of money when you can cook meals that bring it from home.
• Choose a hostel offering a laundry service. Making travel more than a day will definitely make you have dirty clothes, so you need clothes to be well organized.
• For women, you can choose a female hotel room to keep your privacy
Those are the explanation for cheap hostel. Now you can choose the best hostel that good service is offered. Remember that the best hostels offer not only low price, but also provides a good service and you feel comfortable during your trip.

Tips of Backpacking Traveling

Tips of Backpacking Traveling

Backpacking trip is an option for you adventure lovers. Backpacking trip will give new atmosphere, makes it out of boredom. If you are interested in this activity, you can, but you must consider many things for the first time. Then it will be explained about it.simple research about your destination

Thing Should be Done before Backpacking

Backpacking is a great activity and makes you have good experience in your life. But, many things should be considered before doing backpacking. Here, the things should be done before backpacking:

• Do a simple research about your destination.

You must know about what you should do and not in your destination to honor the local society.
Do a simple research about your destination

• Be Careful with Schedule

Don’t make your backpacking become the difficult journey for you. You must arrange the schedule to have good journey and then you can enjoy it.

Be Careful with Schedule

• Prepare Money for Unexpected Moment

Journey to a place will make you are in risk, especially when you choose the place with high risk of injuries. You should prepare money to unexpected moment, or you can take backpacker insurance to make you more secure.

Prepare Money for Unexpected Moment

• Use the Righ Backpack

     Make sure you use a backpack which has right size (not too small or too big). You have to be     comfortable when using it. Use a backpack which not gives you difficulty during the journey.
Use the Righ Backpack

• Wear Comfortable Clothes

     This is important to make you enjoy your journey. You don’t need to wear new clothes. You just need to wear comfortable clothes that make you easy to do activity in your destination.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Tips of Cheap Backpacking

Tips of Cheap Backpacking

Do you want to do backpacking but not have much money? Cheap backpacking is the best solution for you. Here, the tips for you who want to do cheap backpacking:

Tips of Cheap Backpacking

1. Choose the Right Destination

As a backpacker, you should be a smart person in choosing the right place. You can choose the place which is exotic but can’t make you pay many things in the place.

2. Get a Hostel

Get a Hostel

Hostel will help you in saving much money because is a cheap place to be lived. You can also choose a hostel with kitchen, so you can cook the meals that you bring from your home.

3. Be Careful with Pickpocket

Be Careful with Pickpocket

Some countries have many pickpocket and they know that you are the stranger. So you must make sure that your money is close to you to avoid the loss.

4. Bring your Own Snack

Bring your Own Snack
It is important to avoid many expenses during backpacking. You can save a lot of money when you have your own snacks in your backpack.

Here are some tips for you about backpack. You can choose the right place for the backpack that gives you many inspiring and a good experience. Get your new atmosphere Backpacking travel to the place you want to visit.

The Details of Backpacking through Europe Cost

Details of backpacking through Europe Cost

You want to travel around Europe? Travelling Europe is a cost something you should know before doing so. There are so many countries in Europe. Each country that offers much culture and a beautiful view. a list of what to do and how much budget you have to do backpacking through Europe is necessary. So, here I will explain about it.

after spending the trip

The cost of backpacking through Europe includes two categories of expenditure-pre-trip and expenses controls on the Roan. An expense before the trip is the cost that meets your needs before going to Europe. Covers expenses:



 It depends on everything from when you offer to which airport you are flying to and from. The cost is around $600-$1200+

Rail Pass

Rail Pass to Japan

Rail pass is right choice for you. It will run you anywhere depend on how long it lasts. The           cost is around $200-$1500+     



     Buy the right backpack which makes you comfortable when using is. The cost is around $0-        $200.

 Travel Documents

     If you have had a passport, you don’t have to pay travel document. The cost is around 0$-          200$.

Guide book

Guide Book Going to Bali Indonesia

     You must have this book because you will look at it during backpacking. The cost is around        $15-$40.

Travel Accessories

     Accessories like sturdy shoes, digital camera may be needed. The cost is varies depend on        your need.

On-The-Road Costs

After preparing pre-trip expense, now you have to know about on-the-road costs which are useful for you when you have arrived in Europe. The cost covers:

1.     Sleeping

You can choose the type of place for sleeping. Hostel and hotel will be the choices for you depend on your budget. The cost is around $20-$50+ per day.

2.     Eating

The cost depends on where you eat. The cost is around $15-$50 per day.

3.     Getting Around

You can get around by walking, renting a bicycle or using a bus. The cost is around $10-$20.

4.     Attractions and Fun

The cost depends on where you want to view. The cost of about $ 10 per day varies.
The above data are an example of cost-Europe camp. Then, Europe divided in two Western Europe and Eastern Europe. The cost of the pack in Western Europe is around $ 50- $ 100 per day, while the cost of Eastern Europe is around $ 40- $ 60 per day. You can accumulate the cost depending on their need. If you want to follow the above list, it is recommended to add $ 10 as preparation if there are any funds for tips. Therefore, these are the details of backpacking through Europe cost is expected to be useful for you.

The Necessary Expenses for Europe Backpacking Trip Cost

The Necessary Expenses for Europe Backpacking Trip Cost

Europe is widely known for backpacking destination, especially at the summer holiday. Many students from USA come to Europe after the graduation for getting the experience of backpacking. For the one who will go backpacking to Europe for the first time, here is the guidance to make a list of the things which should be planned thoroughly in Europe backpacking trip cost.

This section is for the necessary expenses that you should consider before you are going abroad.

1. Passport fees. Passport is the essential items if you want to go abroad. Make the passport early, at least 3 months prior your departure. Since there is additional fee if you make the passport less than 1 month of departure.

Passport fees

2.  Travel Backpack. Because you are decided backpacking so you should buy travel backpack. Find the backpack that could bring your necessary things with affordable price. If the new ones are out of limit, you could borrow from your friends of just buy used backpack.

3. Travel Accessories. Just prepare accessories that you think is necessary. Remember for packing light as possible.

4.Travel Insurance. If you have medical issue, you should prepare travel insurance. It is also good if you face an emergency situation while abroad.

Travel Insurance Holiday and trip tourist

5.  Airfare ticket. This is you have to spend the most for backpacking. There is one time when flight companies offer promo for their ticket. The downside, it may be not in the peak seasonal time. The upside, promo ticket could save a lot of your Europe backpacking trip cost.

Now this section is the necessary expenses when you are already arrive in Europe.

this section is the necessary expenses when you are already arrive in Europe.

1.Place-to-stay. There are so many options of place-to-stay which suit for backpacker. Hostels, cheap hotel, rental apartment. They have their own upsides and downsides. Remember before you choose the place, you must consider how many days you have to spend in that place and how far its location from the objects you want to see.

2. Food and Drink. Set the budget for food and drink a little high. Because you might be tempt to eat in local restaurant besides your usually eatery from grocery stores.

3. The Object Sites’ Admission Fees. There must be any object sites you would like to see for example The Louvre, Tower of London etc. Well, these places have admission fees you must be considered.

4. Public Transportations Fees. Europe has excellent public transportations. They could reach every city and even across the countries. They provide single trip, multi trip tickets and so on. You could choose the best ticket option that would not blow your Europe backpacking trip cost.

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