Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Most Beautiful Sunrise in Bromo

By Unknown | At 11:01 PM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
Sunrise will give the different attraction of natural. If you like the sunrise, bromine is the best place to see sin to come to earth. Bromine going to be an incredible experience. Getting there is not something difficult to treat. It is an opportunity for us to inform bromine attraction with its beautiful sunrise. Stay here and get information about bromine and nice sunrise.

as Bromine get

If you have planned to visit bromine, only the flight must book in Jakarta or Bali. Bromine going to be very easy for the airport. If you come from Jakarta, just book another flight to Malang. Alternatively, you can go there by train. In Malang, you should get local transport to Tumpang. It is the next destination to get. From Tumpang, you can go to bromine jeep. Is this expensive? You may ask that question. Transport is local transport jeep, used to go to Bromo. Therefore, it is normal if you have to spend more money to rent jeep. If you come to Bali for the first destination that will not happen days to reach Malang. You may spend several hours with car transportation. That is why; it is recommended for you to get to Bali first before Malang.

where to stay in Bromo

If you want to stay in Bromine for several days, there is some house, that can be found around this place. These houses belong to the local population. Staying at home is the best option you want to enjoy the sunrise in the morning. Bromine is a cool place. Therefore, you have to be ready with his jacket. The jacket cover you from the cold. If you do not use it, get the disease will be easy. Of course, you can enjoy the sun coming from the east through bromine.

Bromine will give you the best attraction of nature. That is why; you have to stop your work time. Having a vacation is necessary; Of course, you can visit bromine as the best destination to see the sunrise. Of course, you can enjoy delicious foods that come from the local people too. It will be the best vacation experience for you and your friends. Indonesian people are always ready to welcome you for days with the best hospitality and broad smiles.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Beautiful & Natural Side of East Kalimantan

By Unknown | At 4:41 AM | Label : , , , , | 0 Comments
East Kalimantan can be your perfect destination if you want to explore something new for your experience. It’s one of the best areas in Indonesia that maybe not really come with high popularity as good as Bali. We can’t deny that Bali is so famous in the eyes of world where this land often said as one of the most beautiful destinations for your holiday experience. But East Kalimantan also can be your alternative solution if you want to find something different. Something beautiful and natural. East Kalimantan has its own unique atmosphere and lovely nuance. You will love it for sure.

Mulawarman Art Museum

Labuan Cermin Lake
Lembuswana sculpture

Derawan - East Kalimantan

Interesting Spots In East Kalimantan

There are so many interesting spots in East Kalimantan. For example, Mulawarman Art Museum can be your best place to go. It’s a historic place that held in 1932 by Dutch Government. So many interesting spots in this art museum such as Lembuswana sculpture in front of the building as the symbol of Kutai Kertanegara kingdom. Inside this building, you can find so many historical things from the past, also cultural description about them. For people who love art and culture, Mulawarman Art Museum is the perfect place to go and see.
Canopy Bridge
What else? Not only that, you can go to Bukit Bangkirai, a good destination to see natural side of East Kalimantan. There is Canopy Bridge or Jembatan Tajuk, a high-challenging bridge where you can walk on it to challenge yourself, also as the best spot to hunt photos around you. With fresh air and beautiful atmosphere, you will love to go to this Bukit Bangkirai to get totally new experience.
Last but not the least, there is a famous river named Mahakam river. It’s the greatest place to get beautiful view, get unique photos and see so many natural things such as tree or birds. You will love to see the cultural side along the river.
Cheap Price For Your Greatest Holiday Trip
One great advantage about East Kalimantan trip is you will get best deal about the price. Yes, East Kalimantan is perfect solution for your holiday trip because you can get cheap price about it. Different than other destinations and cities in Indonesia, usually you only need small budget to go to East Kalimantan. For better price, make sure to avoid weekends or national holiday such as Christmas or New Year’s Eve so you will get better chance to get cheaper flight ticket.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mount Bromo: The Greatest Sunrise from The Highest

By Unknown | At 9:31 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Mount Bromo
Visiting Indonesia to spend your holiday can be a great experience for you. But, which island should be visited? It seems that everyone thinking about tropical beach. In fact, visiting another area with another natural attraction will absolutely be a great idea. Coming to Mount Bromo, East Java will get you awesome experience. 

Awesome mountain experience

Visiting Mount Bromo can be a unique experience for your holiday; it is not just any Mount. The Mount Bromo is an active volcano which is part if massif Tengger, East Jave. The name Bromo is derived from Brahma which means God in Hindu. Bromo is sacred mountain for people who live in this area which has so many attractions. It is more than just a mountain. The first and the most popular spot is the Sand of Sea local people call it Lautan Pasir. This is a vast area in the Mount Bromo feet which has been protected since 1919. You will find yourself in the middle of cold desert when you are standing in this area.
The second attraction is the sunrise view from Penanjakan Mountain. This is popular view point in the 9,088 feet high above the sea level in Mount Bromo. People usually come to this place at dawn to see the most beautiful sunrise here. From this viewpoint, you can see the sun rises between the mountains and the morning fog. It is freezing there, just prepare your coat and mountain shoes before coming to this spot. The third attraction is actually located 5 minutes before Penanjakan Mountain. It is the caldera sulfur. It is pretty easy to reach this place, you just have to walk following the stairs which lead you to the caldera. It is amazing here, you can see the caldera and the active volcano reaction.

Thing you should prepare

Visiting Mount Bromo can be a challenged holiday. However, you have to prepare everything well before the holiday. First, check the local news and the government regulation. It is very important since Mount Bromo is an active mountain, checking the local news will help you getting some information like whether the area is open to public on the day you are planning to go. Second, decide the route, like whether you start the journey from Malang or Surabaya. It will affect the transportation and the budget that you need, including whether you plan to stay in Mount Bromo or coming to the mountain directly from the place where you stay. Deciding the route will help you considering the transportation, since the government do not allow you to drive your own car to mountain unless you drive an off road car. Don’t worry, there are a lot affordable off road rent cars, including the driver. The last, prepare some warm clothes and raincoat to protect you.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Mentawai: The Surfing Paradise You Should Visit

By Unknown | At 9:06 PM | Label : , , , , , | 0 Comments
Mentawai islands
Coming to an exotic beach to spend holiday might be the best vacation for everybody. Especially for surfers, coming to the beach with great surfing wave would be the best holiday ever. Put Mentawai Islands to your holiday list! This exotic tropical island will give you unforgettable adventure experience, especially for surfers.

How to get there?
Geographically, Mentawai Islands are consisted of around seventy islands off the western coast Sumatra, Indonesia. The major islands or the most visited islands are Siberut, Sipura, North Pagai, and South Pagai.
surfers paradise
These islands are located about 150 km off the coast western Sumatra or across the Mentawai Strait. Coming to Mentawai Islands will give great adventure not only in the beach, but also in its tropical forest. Especially if you visit Siberut island which has been known as Siberut Natioinal Park, you will find a great tropical forest with a lot of tropical plant and animal species.
The best way to reach the islands is by flying to Padang, West Sumatra. From this city you can directly head to Mentawai Strait with some public transportation like taxi. There is daily ferry schedule which you can easily find in the tourist information center. Just pick the ferry which will reach your destination and you can visit the island.

Why Mentawai?
Native Tribes Mentawai
Since the islands are located off the western Sumatra coast, they directly face the Indian Ocean. This geographic location makes Mentawi a great place to surf. Every year, there is an international surfing competition held in this island, especially in Siberut Island. For any professional surfer, coming to Siberut in MentawaiIslands can give them new challenge and experience. If you want to try surfing for the first time, you can also visit Siberut since there are some professional surfing trainers you can find. The best part about Mentawai Islands is that it is located in the tropical area so you can visit this place anytime. You don’t have to worry about extreme weather or frozen ocean.  
Every day is holiday in Mentawai.
let's go surfing

What if we do not want to surf? You can still enjoy the tropical beaches in this awesome island. The beaches have white sand and beautiful corals, you will enjoy the tropical breeze and sun shine. At the same time, the islands are not too large. You can easily explore every part of the island, including the tropical island in Siberut National Park. 

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